Our Constitution

Our Constitution

Our constitution is available to download here: ARCC Constitution


In accordance with our Christian faith, as outlined in our Vision, Mission, Doctrinal Policy and Denominational Policy, the objects for which the Association is established are:

a) to promote the well-being of people working within Australia’s Racing Industry by identifying and relieving the short and long-term physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental needs of this community. These needs may include poverty, distress, abuse, sickness, disability, destitution, suffering, misfortune, or helplessness, and their related causes and effects;

b) to act as trustee and to perform and discharge the duties and functions incidental thereto where this is incidental or conducive to the attainment of these objects;

c) to do such things as are incidental or ancillary to the attainment of these objects.


To bring the gospel message, ministry resources, support, and social services of the Christian Church to promote the Christian faith, spiritual development and well-being of people working within Australia’s Racing Industry.


  • to facilitate a non-profit inter-church Association of Racecourse Chaplains servicing metropolitan, provincial and country racecourses throughout Australia.
  • to promote the Vision, primarily through the Chaplains and ministry partners of ARCC.
  • to thereby make available the resources, support and social services of the Christian church to any seeking their benefit, as well as to the relief of any associated problems.
  • to thus inform and demonstrate the Christian Faith’s message of Hope and Renewal through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Doctrinal Policy

We believe, in accordance with the Scriptures, that:

  • God and his purposes are revealed fully through Jesus Christ
  • each person has worth before God
  • each person is made for relationship with God, possible only through repentance, and faith in Jesus
  • the Apostles’ creed reflects the Christian faith’s traditional message
  • the Church is the community of God’s people
  • God’s people are called by God to go into the world, with the enabling of the Holy Spirit, to live, love, proclaim and serve in Jesus’ name.

We seek to honour and serve God by:

  • helping all people meet their spiritual, social, emotional and physical needs
  • working towards removing injustice in society
  • reaching out to all people to enable them to hear and respond to the Word of God
  • offering caring and social services, especially to those connected to the Racing Industry

We want to:

  • enable people, particularly those connected with the Racing Industry to enjoy the quality of life that reflects their worth before God, especially those most vulnerable in today’s society
  • challenge and reduce injustices in society
  • achieve excellence in managing our public relations, and our human, material and spiritual resources
  • bring people from all cultural backgrounds into relationship with God through Jesus, and into growth to full Christian maturity.

Denominational Policy
The Association shall be non-denominational in its emphasis, witness and practice.